Month: August 2022

US lawyer released after UAE money laundering conviction | Courts News

Asim Ghafoor, a prominent civil rights lawyer, was arrested while he was in transit through Dubai airport last month.

US citizen and civil rights lawyer Asim Ghafoor, who was convicted in the United Arab Emirates this week on money laundering charges, has been released and is on his way home.

Ghafoor, who once represented murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi, was freed after paying a fine, his lawyer Faisal Gill said on Friday, adding that the US embassy in the UAE helped facilitate his release.

A court on Wednesday upheld an earlier in-absentia conviction against Ghafoor, ordering him to pay a fine of 5 million dirhams ($1.4m) but overturning a three-year jail term handed down in May.

UAE officials had no immediate comment.

Ghafoor, who lives in Virginia, was in transit through Dubai airport on July 14 when he was arrested for the in-absentia conviction.

UAE’s state news agency WAM said he

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Man charged in fatal Apple River knife attack retains Kyle Rittenhouse’s lawyer

A Prior Lake man facing murder charges but claiming self-defense in a knife attack at a western Wisconsin river that killed a Stillwater teenager and wounded four others has retained a lawyer who defended Kyle Rittenhouse, acquitted of fatally shooting two people in the summer of 2020 during civil unrest in Kenosha, Wis.

Nicolae Miu, 52, who appeared by video for a brief hearing Friday, told the court he has secured attorney Corey Chirafisi of Madison, Wis.

Chirafisi won not guilty verdicts for Rittenhouse on all charges in November, after the teenager testified he acted in self-defense in a case that fueled a national debate over guns, vigilantism and racial injustice.

Miu told authorities that he acted in self-defense when several people confronted him as he searched for a friend’s lost cellphone Saturday in the Apple River. He said some of the people “produced two weapons,” hit him and

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When the Lawyers Come for Autonomous Vehicles

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The US Department of Transportation and Congress have made little progress in fulfilling their responsibilities when it comes to autonomous vehicles, writes Clifford Winston.

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

About the author: Clifford Winston is a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution.

A new specialization is emerging in the legal profession: autonomous-vehicle law. This innocent-sounding news is my personal nightmare, and it could soon become the nation’s. Autonomous vehicles are a game-changing technology that can solve problems the government has been unable to solve, but their adoption will be disrupted by a disinterested federal government dominated by public- and private-sector lawyers.

An autonomous vehicle drives itself using a combination of navigational technologies and onboard technologies that measure the distance of the car from various objects, including pedestrians, bicyclists, and other cars. Communications among AVs, as well as between AVs and roadway infrastructure, determine the location and intention of other

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Criminal Justice Training

Criminal JusticeParalegal or Legal Assistant is an exciting occupation in the Felony Justice area. Punishment (in the form of prison time) might serve quite a lot of functions. First, and most obviously, the incarceration of criminals removes them from the final population and inhibits their skill to perpetrate further crimes. A brand new aim of jail punishments is to supply criminals an opportunity to be rehabilitated. Many fashionable prisons supply education or job coaching to prisoners as a chance to study a vocation and thereby earn a reputable residing when they are returned to society. Religious institutions even have a presence in lots of prisons, with the goal of educating ethics and instilling a sense of morality in the prisoners. If a prisoner is launched earlier than his time is served, he is launched as a parole. Which means they are launched, however the restrictions are higher than that of somebody …

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FBI returns electronic devices to former Trump attorney Giuliani -lawyer

Former New York Major Rudy Giuliani speaks in Washington, US, May 5, 2018. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts/File Photo

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Aug 3 (Reuters) – FBI agents recently returned the cell phones and other electronic devices they had hidden from Donald Trump’s former attorney Rudy Giuliani, in a possible sign the investigation into whether he failed to register as a foreign agent of Ukraine could be winding down , his attorney said on Wednesday.

Robert Costello, Giuliani’s lawyer, told Reuters he has not been officially notified yet whether federal prosecutors in Manhattan are closing the investigation.

But he said the return of the devices is a positive sign for his client.

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“I have not been officially told that its over,” Costello said. “It is possible they could make some starting new discovery…but we have always been confident

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