Month: November 2022

Online impersonation in Texas divorce suits

Interesting article in Texas Lawyer this week about the effect of online impersonation having growing relevance in Texas family law. People are increasingly impersonating spouses, paramours, and others online out of spite or to gain leverage. In 2009, Texas made it illegal to pretend to be another person online to harass, stalk, or defraud someone. For example, it would be illegal to create a fake website in an ex’s name and provide personal details about sexual acts. The law says a person commits an offense if he or she, without obtaining the person’s consent, uses the name or persona of another person with the intent to harm, defraud, intimidate, or threaten by (1) creating a page on a website or other commercial social networking site, or (2) sending messages through an existing website or social networking site. This offense is a third degree felony, punishable by 2-10 years in prison.

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January is divorce month | Dallas Divorce Law Blog

Start on January 1

The month of January is known as “divorce month”. Courts all over the country see an uptick in divorce filings in January. But, why do people get divorced in January more than any other month?

Website statistics show an 84% increase in searches related to divorce in January.

The holidays mark a festive period for families, one where memories are made and couples try to rebuild or fix their failing relationships. But while the holidays can be a joyous and happy time for families, they can also represent a turning point for couples who are experiencing problems in their marriages. This period can be full of overwhelming stress, familial tension, and financial burdens – all of which can put even more pressure on already strained relationships. And it is this pressure which can expose flaws in a marriage.

Most couples wait until the holidays are over 

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Breaking your Misconceptions about Divorce

When clients come in to meet with a divorce attorney, they are often recently separated and very emotional. Our clients often latch onto preconceptions to help them through this difficult time. From our initial consult, it is our job to help you through this emotional and challenging process and provide you realistic expectations for the outcome of your case. With that said, these are a few misconceptions we often have to discuss:

  1. I was the stay-at-home parent; therefore, I will get most of the parenting time with them now that we are separated.

Reality: A judge will not punish the working parent who did not stay home with the children in the divorce. Usually, that parent will at least get a standard possession order, which results in that parent getting the 1st, 3rd, and 5th weekends of the month, and at least two hours during

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4 ways to prepare for your Texas divorce

Luck favors the prepared, especially in divorce proceedings.

If you are considering a divorce, there are some important steps to take beforehand. By preparing ahead of time, you can cut down on much of the stress and uncertainty that people often face during and after the divorce process. Planning ahead allows you to save time and money during the process, and will enable you to start preparing for your life after divorce.

Below are some things to think about as you begin preparing for a divorce.

Consult with an attorney.

One of the most important decisions you will make will be to hire an attorney.  The relationship between a family law attorney and his client is unique in that the relationship is both business and personal. They will represent your interests in court, so you want to be sure you can trust that they know what you want and are

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Considerations Before Filing For Divorce

You’ve been in quarantine with your spouse for six weeks, and you’re seriously considering filing for divorce. One question to consider prior to filing is: “What is my plan?” That question may seem almost unanswerable right now. Six weeks ago, we all had plans which were then derailed by COVID-19. Within a matter of days, children were home from schools; spouses were confined to the home; and divorced parents had to adjust possession schedules. The past weeks with your spouse may have further strained an already difficult relationship. Before rushing to file for divorce, consider the following:

  1. What financial resources are available?

Generally, when you file for divorce, you ask the court to allow one spouse to stay in the marital residence and order the other spouse to move out. This is done at a temporary orders hearing. In order for your spouse to move out, however, the financial resources …

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