Holidays Around the World

In the same vein as a previous post about starting new holiday traditions after separation, here are some fun ways Christmas is celebrated in other countries!

Holiday Celebrations Around the Globe

Japan: Kentucky Fried Chicken, the Christmas dinner of champions. Thanks to a marketing campaign in the mid-1970s, Japanese children associate the holiday with KFC. It is complete with the Colonel in Santa getups, themed containers for chicken and drinks, and a special Christmas combo bucket complete with all the secret spice chicken, salad, and cake. The lines get so busy that customers may wait up to two hours to get a bucket to go. Appreciation of food has no borders, and there is no reason why fried chicken can’t be the centerpiece to the Christmas dinner (except maybe health reasons).

The Netherlands: clogs for Christmas. Sinterklaas is the Santa analog over in the Dutch part of the

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“I Do” Optional

Texas is one of the few states that recognizes common law marriage. Also known as an informal marriage, it allows a couple to be married without having to go through a marriage ceremony. Unless there is a declaration of marriage signed, there are set requirements that must be met to be apart of an informal marriage.

First, the couple must agree to be married. I know this one seems obvious, but it is a requirement that can be misconstrued by a party to the relationship. For instance, an engagement does not constitute a present agreement of marriage, but that the couple will be married in the future. The key difference being that the agreement to an informal marriage must be that the agreement is present and immediate. If a party tells others they are married, but the other party does the opposite, there is no present agreement. If a party …

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Co-Parenting with Someone Who is Narcissistic or Challenging – Moving Past Divorce

Home » Co-Parenting with Someone Who is Narcissistic or Challenging

At its best, co-parenting is a wonderful opportunity for children of divorce to have close to equal access to both parents – to feel it is okay to love both of their parents. Experts agree that the outcomes for children of divorce improve when they have positive bonds with both parents. These include better psychological and behavioral adjustment, and enhanced academic performance. However, few experts discuss the drawbacks of co-parenting when one parent is hands-off, has a high conflict personality; or a personality disorder such as Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

What is the solution for parents who want to co-parent with an ex who is narcissistic or challenging? According to Dr. Edward Kruk, Ph.D., “Parallel Parenting is an arrangement in which divorced parents are able to co-parent by means of disengaging from each other, and having limited contact, in situations

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How to Repair from Arguments and Diffuse Negativity in Marriage – Moving Past Divorce

We’ve all been there: embroiled in an argument with our partner, caught up in emotion, and perhaps most crucially, unsure of how something seemingly small escalated. The touchy topic of who’s “right” and who’s “wrong” in a conflict between partners often misses the point and prevents them from moving beyond the spat in a constructive way that provides tools helpful in avoiding future quarrels.

For instance, Alyssa, 45, and Rick, 46, are caught up in an ongoing cycle of bickering about small matters that often escalates quickly into a full-blown argument. Recently, Alyssa noticed Rick’s credit card statement on his desk and saw a $125.00 charge at his favorite Trek Bike shop.

Without stopping to gather information, Alyssa accused Rick of being extravagant and he counter attacked with blaming her for their financial problems because she reduced her hours at work to spend time with their two children. After calming

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Develop New Holiday Traditions After Divorce

Creating a new family tradition can be a way to bring cheer to the holidays for both children and adults, especially when the family structure is changing due to divorce. One way to bond in a new family dynamic is to incorporate ‘matching outfits’, such as holiday themed pajamas or the famous ‘ugly Christmas sweater’. The following ideas can help you develop new holiday traditions after divorce.

Ideas to Try

According to The Suburban Mom blogger Jen Burg, whose blog has featured a variety of expert tips on navigating family life, matching pajamas can help kids feel cozy and relaxed during the holidays and provide an opportunity for fun family bonding activities. She also notes that the pajamas can make for some cute pictures!

How About the Ugly Christmas Sweater?

The ugly Christmas sweater has earned its place in American lore and has become increasingly popular in recent

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Enjoying Winter Solstice in North Carolina Winter Solstice

In the Northern Hemisphere the 2022 winter solstice will occur on December 21st. Winter solstice is when the North Pole is tilted farthest away from the sun.  At this time, the Arctic Circle is cloaked in darkness and the longest night of the year happens.  The winter solstice also signifies a turning point where the days begin gradually to get longer again.

A Global Celebration

Many cultures around the world have a long history of celebrating the winter solstice.  Cultures attach great meaning to the solstices because the sun is a sacred star at the center of the solar system.  The sun not only serves as a function of time, but it also sets the weather and indicates agricultural patterns, which were extremely important for historical civilizations.

In South America, the Inti Raymi festival reigns supreme for celebrating the solstices.  Inti Raymi honors the Inca sun god Inti.  There is

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Newly Divorced? How to Make a Fresh Start for the Holidays

Are you newly divorced or separated? For some who are freshly separated from a spouse, the holidays can be difficult. There are a lot of emotions at play, and the holidays are generally a time to be with friends and family. When you are in the middle of a separation, all those traditions and memories are reminders of how things used to be. Everything is upended as you begin splitting your former lives. It may be a lonely time, but there is a reason why the separation was necessary. Never forget that this choice was made for long-term happiness. One great way to get that feeling of a fresh start is to begin some new traditions.

Check Out the Movies

With Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, HBO, Disney, and myriad TV stations all having streaming apps, watching movies and TV shows has never been easier. A great way to spend a weekend

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How To Keep Kids From Sabotaging Your Dating After Divorce! – Moving Past Divorce

Home » How To Keep Kids From Sabotaging Your Dating After Divorce!

By Rosalind Sedacca, CDC

Dating after divorce can be challenging for many parents who have been out of the market for some time. But it’s even more challenging for your children. It’s only natural for them to be resistant to any new partner you bring into their lives. And sometimes they can be downright belligerent to keep you from dating long after your divorce.

No matter how much you love your kids, they can represent obstacles to your future love life. This is a reality whether your divorce was relatively painless or high conflict. As a parent you don’t want to create more emotional drama or trauma for your children. You want to protect them from unnecessary conflict and competition for your attention. When you introduce a new partner, especially one who may be a parental figure in

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Signs of Healthy Boundaries in Relationships – Moving Past Divorce

Home » Signs of Healthy Boundaries in Relationships

Healthy boundaries are essential in recovery from codependency. They both build and reflect self-esteem. Learning to have healthy boundaries is an essential aspect of individuating and becoming an individual and autonomous person.

Boundaries are learned in childhood. Some dysfunctional families are enmeshed and your individuality and boundaries are ignored or openly disrespected in words or actions; for example, verbal and physical abuse, prying into your personal communications, denying your privacy, and disrespecting your feelings and opinions. Trauma and toxic shame damage our boundaries. Boundaries are also taught and modeled by parental guidance and behavior in how to treat other people.

First, you must be able to identify your feelings, believe you have rights and value, and then have the courage and the words to express your boundaries. Signs of recovery and healthy boundaries are:

1. You’re able to say “no.” Codependents hold

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The Best Ways to Let Go of Resentment in Relationships – Moving Past Divorce

Home » The Best Ways to Let Go of Resentment in Relationships

Dear Terry,

I read your blogs often but haven’t found one to help me get over my feelings of resentment toward my boyfriend, Kyle.  We’ve been dating for over three years and living together for almost two. During our time together we’ve gotten over many hurdles – including adjusting to crazy work schedules and my returning to school to get a degree in nursing.

But honestly I just can’t seem to get over the fact that he has been communicating with his ex–girlfriend, Kim, for the past few days and never told me about it. The way I found out is that I saw a text message from her and recognized her name immediately. I knew that they had an amicable breakup right before we met but it hurts me that he was hiding the fact that they’ve

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